Rhon-a-logue: Leave no book unfinished.

A faithful list of all the books I read (starting in January, 2005). Starting October 2007, also includes reviews and opinions from the sister who started it all with her attempt at Christmas 2004 to recall all the books she had read that year. Now you can find out exactly what we think about everything we read.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman

Interesting book. It really made me think. I've since recommended it to others. Basically, it points out that the things we think demonstrate love may not be the things our partners think demonstrate love (i.e. if we think gifts are the be-all and end-all, we may not realize that our partners' acts of service, like cooking dinner or doing the dishes, are actually their expression of love.) And, because love is hard, we tend to value the love language that is easiest for us to express, which usually isn't the easiest love language for our partners.

As an aside, this was a loaner from my cousin. Sadly, she received it from the mother of the guy she was dating, which was creepy in the extreme. Despite its origins, it turned out to be a good read.

February 2005.


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3:52 PM  

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