Dogs Don't Bite When a Growl Will Do
Dogs Don't Bite When a Growl Will Do - Matt Weinstein & Luke Barber
Life lessons you can learn from dogs. Pretty accurate, and pleasingly written. Unfortunately, I've already lent it to my sister-in-law, so I can't flip through for a pithy quotation to include here. Not for spinster cat owners, but you don't need to own a dog to get the point. You just have to like dogs enough to buy into the premise that they lead a good life and we could learn from them.
February 2007.
Life lessons you can learn from dogs. Pretty accurate, and pleasingly written. Unfortunately, I've already lent it to my sister-in-law, so I can't flip through for a pithy quotation to include here. Not for spinster cat owners, but you don't need to own a dog to get the point. You just have to like dogs enough to buy into the premise that they lead a good life and we could learn from them.
February 2007.
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