Rhon-a-logue: Leave no book unfinished.

A faithful list of all the books I read (starting in January, 2005). Starting October 2007, also includes reviews and opinions from the sister who started it all with her attempt at Christmas 2004 to recall all the books she had read that year. Now you can find out exactly what we think about everything we read.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Out of Character

Out of Character - Vanessa Craft

Another Key Porter title from Book Expo 2007. This was super-blah, and I can't recommend it. It's supposed to be a psychological study of what drives a woman to become a stripper, but it never quite makes you care about Emma/Phoenix. And the final 2 page chapter about the mother who left her behind made no sense to me! Why bother including it if you are going to be so vague about her motivations and reasons for walking out on her family?

The strangest thing for me was the endorsement from Rebecca Eckler on the cover. I can only assume that she is friends with the author (who also freelanced newspaper articles) and owed her a debt. Either that, or her taste in books is not congruent with mine. So, it has left me with a Do Not Read list - anything by Rebecca Eckler.

I'm trying to give this away, but in good conscience, can only pass it on to people who read a lot and don't mind some dross with their gold.

June 2007.


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